Live Game Thread: PLEASE Win

Yes, Chris was just given one of these. And she won't be able to show it all to the Cubs fans she works with if you don't win, Cardinals.

Hey, Cardinals. We know it’s been a rough weekend in Chicago, and an even worse road trip. It’s been rough on us too.

So tonight is at least your chance to salvage a game against the Cubs. Yes, the Brewers have already won today — of course they have — so you’re not going to gain any ground in the Central. But at least you can avoid falling another game back. That’s at least something. Right?

And, for no other reason, win tonight so Chris doesn’t have to be taunted tomorrow at work by the “Cubs fan” who only pays attention when they play the Cards and couldn’t name the Cubs starting infielders for a million dollars. Besides, how can she show off the new Ryan Theriot bobblehead she acquired if the Cubs sweep?

(Ryan, the Fan Club will love you all the more for a huge game tonight.)

So, that’s about it — just win tonight and we’ll go from there. Simple. Easy. We know you guys can do it.

Besides, it will be a lot more fun to have this live game thread if we have positive things happening on the field.

Do it for us.

Thanks and all our love (for the moment, anyway),
Chris, Miranda and Tara

160 thoughts on “Live Game Thread: PLEASE Win

  1. Popping in quick — looks like I won’t be home for much of the game afterall but I’m keeping up via MLB At Bat so I’ll be checking in periodically!

    Keep up those ground ball outs, Jake!

  2. Can’t stay–kids to get down before the show, but had to at least say hi. Like a 2-0 lead. Would like a 5-0 lead much better. I don’t trust Westbrook and co. to keep this scoreless.

  3. From my pal Peter, who I worked with for a short time (I just retweeted the unedited version of this):

    “Cardinals coach Dave Duncan not with the team tonight because f*** this.”

  4. Folks on Twitter . . . if you’re a baseball fan and love humor and don’t mind the crude comment from time to time . . . or, maybe, all the time . . . @TrippingOlney. That is all.

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